Source code for registrar.cli

""" Command line interfaces for the registrar

import logging.config

import click
import structlog
import structlog.contextvars

from . import registrar
from .daemon import run_daemon
from .config import RegistrarConfig

[docs]def setup_logging(debug=False): """Sets up the logging configuration""" logging.config.dictConfig( { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": False, "formatters": { "json": { "()": structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter, "processor": if debug else structlog.processors.JSONRenderer(), }, }, "handlers": { "console": { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "level": "DEBUG" if debug else "INFO", "formatter": "json", }, }, "root": { "handlers": ["console"], "level": "DEBUG" if debug else "INFO", }, } ) structlog.configure( processors=[ structlog.contextvars.merge_contextvars, structlog.stdlib.filter_by_level, structlog.processors.TimeStamper(fmt="iso"), structlog.stdlib.add_logger_name, structlog.stdlib.add_log_level, structlog.stdlib.PositionalArgumentsFormatter(), structlog.processors.StackInfoRenderer(), structlog.processors.format_exc_info, structlog.processors.UnicodeDecoder(), structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter.wrap_for_formatter, ], context_class=structlog.threadlocal.wrap_dict(dict), logger_factory=structlog.stdlib.LoggerFactory(), wrapper_class=structlog.stdlib.BoundLogger, cache_logger_on_first_use=True, ) @click.option("--config-file", type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.option("--validate", is_flag=True) @click.option("--host", type=str) @click.option("--port", type=int) @click.option("--debug/--no-debug", is_flag=True) @click.pass_context def cli( ctx, config_file=None, validate=False, host=None, port=None, debug=False ): """Entry point for the registar""" ctx.ensure_object(dict) setup_logging(debug) # ensure that ctx.obj exists and is a dict (in case `cli()` is called # by means other than the `if` block below) if not config_file: raise ValueError("Missing --config-file parameter") with open(config_file, encoding="utf-8") as config_file_: config = RegistrarConfig.from_file(config_file_, validate) if host: config.redis_host = host if port: config.redis_port = port ctx.obj["CONFIG"] = config @cli.command(help="Run the registrar daemon, attaching to a Redis queue") @click.pass_context def daemon(ctx): """ Run the registrar daemon to listen on the given queues and execute the (de-)registrations commands. Examples: \b registrar \ --config-file config.yaml \ --validate \ --host redis \ --port 6379 \ --debug \ daemon """ config: RegistrarConfig = ctx.obj["CONFIG"] run_daemon(config) @cli.command(help="Run a single, one-off registration") @click.argument("route_name", type=str) @click.argument("item", type=str) @click.pass_context def register(ctx, route_name, item): """ Registers a single item. Examples: \b registrar \ --config-file config.yaml \ --validate \ --host redis \ --port 6379 \ --debug \ register myroute "{...}" """ config: RegistrarConfig = ctx.obj["CONFIG"] # allow to override config values from CLI registrar.register(config.routes[route_name], config.sources, item) @cli.command(help="Run a single, one-off de-registration") @click.argument("route_name", type=str) @click.argument("item", type=str) @click.option("--identifier", is_flag=True) @click.pass_context def deregister(ctx, route_name, item, identifier): """ Registers a single item. Examples: \b registrar \ --config-file config.yaml \ --validate \ --host redis \ --port 6379 \ --debug \ deregister --identifier myroute "someid" """ config: RegistrarConfig = ctx["CONFIG"] registrar.deregister( config.routes[route_name], config.sources, item, use_id=identifier ) if __name__ == "__main__": cli(obj={})