Source code for preprocessor.preprocessor_fix_core_dimap_image_ref

import os
import structlog
from os.path import join, basename
import shutil
from lxml import etree
import textwrap

from .util import get_all_data_files, gdal, replace_ext
from .steps.georeference import set_gcps_from_gsc_footprint

logger = structlog.getLogger(__name__)

    "EUROPEAN": "EPSG:3035",
    "ES_29": "EPSG:32629",
    "ES_30": "EPSG:32630",

[docs]def rename_reference_dimap( source_dir: os.PathLike, target_dir: os.PathLike, preprocess_config: dict, search: str, replace: str, output_file_name: str = "imagery.dim", ): filenames = get_all_data_files(source_dir, preprocess_config, ["*metadata.dim"]) # working in source_dir to be picked up later by move operation target_filename = join(source_dir, output_file_name) if len(filenames) != 0: try: # read file with open(filenames[0]) as f: # edit content dimap = replaced = dimap.replace(search, replace) # write resulting file with open(target_filename, "w") as w: w.write(replaced) os.unlink(filenames[0]) except Exception as e: logger.warn(e) try: # check if .hdr file is created # if not create it to source_dir to be picked up later by move operation attempt_to_create_hdr(source_dir, source_dir, preprocess_config) except Exception as e: logger.warn(e) try: attempt_to_set_projection(source_dir, source_dir, preprocess_config) except Exception as e: logger.warn(e) # copy everything else to target_dir for input_filename in get_all_data_files(source_dir, preprocess_config, "**"): target_filename = join(target_dir, basename(input_filename)) shutil.move(input_filename, target_filename)
[docs]def attempt_to_create_hdr( source_dir, target_dir, preprocess_config, output: str = "imagery.hdr" ): hdr_or_tif = get_all_data_files(source_dir, preprocess_config, ["*hdr", "*tif"]) if len(hdr_or_tif) == 0: # attempt to recreate it from metadata.xml in source_dir md_files = get_all_data_files(source_dir, preprocess_config, ["*metadata.xml"]) if len(md_files) >= 1: hdr_data = {} with open(md_files[0]) as g: logger.debug("Parsing metadata file %s" % md_files[0]) tree = etree.parse(g) root = tree.getroot() for child in root: if child.tag == "Image": for child2 in child: hdr_data[child2.tag] = child2.text break if len(hdr_data) > 0: logger.debug("Used metadata for hdr creation %s" % hdr_data) target_filename = join(target_dir, output) with open(target_filename, "w") as hdr_output: hdr_content = textwrap.dedent( """\ BYTEORDER M LAYOUT BIL NROWS {NROWS} NCOLS {NCOLS} NBANDS 4 NBITS 8 SKIPBYTES 0""".format( NROWS=hdr_data["ROWS"], NCOLS=hdr_data["COLUMNS"], ) ) hdr_output.write(hdr_content) logger.debug( "Successfully written .hdr metadata file to %s" % target_filename ) else: logger.warn( "Failed extraction of IMAGE xml metadata for .hdr creation." ) else: logger.warn( ".Hdr file not present but also metadata.xml not found. No way to fix" ".bil" )
[docs]def attempt_to_set_projection(source_dir, target_dir, preprocess_config): # check if there are no tifs and only bil + metadata.xml without dimap file # search for GeoInformation><PROJECTION>European</PROJECTION></GeoInformation> to set # crs for image from mapping by force needed_files = get_all_data_files( source_dir, preprocess_config, ["*.tif", "*.dim", "*.prj"] ) if len(needed_files) > 0: # expected files are there, return return # this means we have no dimap and a bil with possible georeferencing in metadata.xml # (which we need to extract out) md_files = get_all_data_files(source_dir, preprocess_config, ["*metadata.xml"]) if len(md_files) >= 1: projection = None with open(md_files[0]) as g: logger.debug("Parsing metadata file %s" % md_files[0]) tree = etree.parse(g) root = tree.getroot() for child in root: if child.tag == "GeoInformation": for child2 in child: if child2.tag == "PROJECTION": projection = child2.text.upper() break break if projection is not None:"Found projection %s" % projection) # get epsg code of projection by name epsg_code = PROJECTIONS.get(projection, None) input_filename = get_all_data_files( source_dir, preprocess_config, ["*.bil"] )[0] target_filename = replace_ext( join(target_dir, basename(input_filename)), ".tif" ) # create a tif from bil and set its projection ds = gdal.Open(input_filename) ds = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff").CreateCopy(target_filename, ds, strict=0) if not epsg_code: logger.warning( "Projection %s not in the mapping of projections" % projection ) # use GSC bbox as a fallback if everything failed, risking bad orientation set_gcps_from_gsc_footprint(ds, preprocess_config) else: ds.SetProjection(epsg_code) del ds del preprocess_config["stack_bands"] else: logger.warn("metadata.xml not found. No way to fix .bil without geotransform")